共為你找到:200筆taipei city taipei city 相關企業資訊
Based in Taipei, Taiwan, LicomLED was formed to pursuit high brightness and low power lighting solutions. With the looming of global energy crisis, Licom’s mission is to provide “Green” and energy saving LED lighting products to help conserve global electricity. With a seasoned engineering team of thermal, optical design and total profile, we are aimed to deliver user’s friendly single on/off, dimmable or active optical lighting products. We focus on the following segments, automotive applications general lighting portable applications medical applications In LicomLED, we believe in the success is based on the flawless communication throughout the product development cycle between team LicomLED and our valuable customers. Customer service and design quality is our top priority.
本公司由台資經營管理, 位於中國廣東省東莞市, 多年來專業致力3C周邊產品的研發、生產與銷售. 產品不僅在台灣市場廣受好評, 而且廣銷世界各地。 近年來並利用自身的優勢,配合世界潮流,生產銷售之皮套產品設計新穎獨特,深受年輕人喜愛。公司的手機皮套和平板電腦皮套產品種類齊全、價格合理,您一定能從中找到满意的款式,歡迎批發合作! 服務內容: USB周邊,隨身碟,禮贈品,3C商品批發,手機包,手機殼, 手機保護套,平板電腦皮套 Company: Masu Technology Corporation was founded in 2004 and located in Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, China. Products: We are engaged in electronic comsumer products, USB peripherals, pen drive, gifts, 3C digital products, case for mobile phones and tablet computers…etc. Characteristics: We provide up-to-date styling, innovative and unique products with competitive prices & good sales service. So we are confident to give our customers the fullest satisfaction. Sincerely look forward to working with you.
Salcomp Plc develops and manufactures chargers for mobile phone and other electronic devices. Salcomp is the market leader in mobile phone chargers, and the main customers include the major mobile phone manufacturers. Power adapters based on Salcomps own product platforms are suitable also for cordless fixed-line phones, Bluetooth headsets, media players, modems and routers, point-of-sales devices, as well as for netbooks Salcomps production plants are located in Shenzhen in China, in Manaus in Brazil and in Chennai in India. In addition to these locations, Salcomp has operations in Salo in Finland, in Leesburg in the USA, in S?o Paolo in Brazil and in Taipei in Taiwan, as well as in Tokyo in Japan. Salcomp has some 9 ,000 employees. Salcomp Plc’s shares are quoted on the Main list of the NASDAQ OMX Nordic in Helsinki, in the Industrials sector .The capital of Finalnd HQ is 260 M Eur.
『提供最好的服務品質及最具創意的教學烤肉』是田季發爺燒肉最重要的經營理念,而6年級的老闆就是網路上評價極高並有著『烤肉系主任』封號、近來又多了一個『燒肉達人』封號的阿發,原因正是因為阿發獨創的教學式烤肉,讓田季發爺燒肉迅速獲得市場共鳴,成為各大美食節目(非凡、民視、台視、東森、東風、中天)、雜誌(TAIPEI WALKER、HERE)、報紙(蘋果日報、自由時報、爽報)、週刊(非凡、泛亞)等等電子及平面媒體爭相採訪的人氣燒肉店,也正因此田季發爺燒肉成立至今5年內的時間,已在競爭激烈的台北燒肉市場開設超過10間分店,『田季發爺燒肉』,歡迎舊雨新知繼續支持。
本公司為合法登記公開經營的事業 公司全名:登旺實業社 (36910860) 網路賣場:Danflow專賣店 〔露天.奇摩拍賣〕 實體店面:登旺濾水器專賣店 聯絡電話:07-3419419 0929232852 0982925377 營業地址:813高雄市左營區重清路326號1樓〔自由三路富山檀香路口〕 粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/danflowenterprise 電子信箱:[email protected] 採購時,敬請認明合法事業,賣家可靠,買家安心! For Overseas Customers, Our Company's informtion is as follows: - The Expert of Pure Water System - Danflow Enterprise Dabflow Web Store No.326, ChongQing Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City, 81363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: +886-7-341-9419 Mobile: +886-0982-925377 eMail: [email protected] Welcome to contact us by your appreciated. @danflow 專賣店@  邀請新朋友老主顧,新手爸媽,各行業創業老闆及所有關心飲用水 / 生活用水品質, 想要了解更多市場上最新淨水技術設備的朋友同好一起加入粉絲,本公司具備同業所不 及的飲用水濾製實體關鍵技術,提供各地水質問題及先進國家相關報導,網路賣場商品 資訊,實體店面的專業服務,設備安裝實例,新機種優先發表,個案討論,問題答覆, 會員活動,粉絲團優惠辦法,公益服務,等等有關活動..歡迎您! 公司理念: 在於減少過高的廣告開銷,將省下的預算反應在商品價格,開發重心放在商品節能與 穩定性的題目上,實際加惠消費買家,致力協助頭家們成功創業,並努力成為市場知 名的 Danflow 國產平價濾水設備品牌第一。 經營項目: 銷售 批發 安裝 維修 配管 估價 施工 淨水器 軟水器 純水機 生飲機 電解機 逆滲透 飲水機 開飲機 殺菌燈 儲水塔 加水站 熱 泵 除垢器 檢測筆 營業用 節能型 家庭用 工業級 國際認証 技術領先 專業可靠 正派經營 價格透明 誠信交易 售後服務 @danflow 專賣店@ 祝您事業登旺!
本公司占地約60坪,員工人數4人,機械數拾台,包括手動,自動,銑床,還有檢驗儀器, 公司人性化的管理,工作責任制,有志青年加入行列
盛昱音響座落於「台北縣鶯歌鎮」,地方雖小,但名氣響亮。 盛昱音響頂著「三鶯光環」,遵循三心理念: 買的開心、用的放心、服務安心 而得到廣大客戶的認同。館長以專業眼光,「慎選品牌」, 精進技術來經營盛昱音響,並以一次購買終生服務享譽業界。 “小心!!一試成癮!!!” [理念宗旨] *.推廣精緻音樂生活,品味音樂人生 *.提昇生活品質及內涵,體驗音樂及映像新世界 *.提供高水準的服務品質,永續的售後保障
The mission of BEST ENGLISH is to help every child reach his or her potential by fostering academic growth, personal growth, and tolerance. BEST ENGLISH is a certified language school, located in the center of Taoyuan City. We offer a stimulating learning environment to all students. Our classrooms are print rich and use rubrics to ensure clear expectations for all students. Our English Language Development support the linguistic needs of our students. All of our classrooms are equipped with computers and the latest software to ensure that our students are prepared for the future. BEST ENGLISH staff believes that its primary purpose is to educate each student to the highest possible level of academic achievement by providing an appropriate curriculum in a safe, healthy environment. We are committed to helping students learn fun and develop English oral skills. We believe in creating an environment that encourages learning and social growth through character building and high expectations.
官網介紹 : http://www.suzukimotor.com.tw/news_content.php?year=2010&news_id=346 官網資訊 : http://www.suzukimotor.com.tw/maplocation/maplocation_04.htm 稚豐車業 ((( 用心做到最好 ))) ASS 台中旗艦形象模範店 台鈴中區國產車總代理 5S競賽全國第一名-整齊/整頓/清掃/清潔/修身 ASS專業技術認證店國產車銷售總冠軍! 立志成為台中第一的旗艦店! 403-46 台中市西區南屯路一段49號 TEL : 04 - 23726060 FAX : 04 - 23783030 稚豐全體與您一同邁進!! --------------------------------------- ZFI-HENG CO.,Ltd. TEL:+886 4 23726060 FAX:+886 4 23783030 1F.,NO,49,Sec.1,Nantun Rd.,West Dist., Taichung City 403,Taiwan(R.O.C)
Yimtex, headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan is a professional connector and cable assembly manufacturer. With great skills and experiences, Yimtex is capable to support any client in the world. In the area of connector and cable assembly, Yimtex has designed and produced in a number of products for application in computers, electronics, telecommunications, robotics, military, and industrial machineries. In order to offer advanced products in today’s market, Yimtex is committed to providing the best in RD service and quality to its clients. Our products are UL approved and our facilities are certified as an ISO 9001 manufacturer. Own injection mold tooling, auto air-compressed machines, high-port and reliable test equipments. Design and manufacture of connectors and cable assemblies. OEM and ODM projects are welcome Yimtex strives to achieve industry-leading position in Innovation, Excellence, Efficiency, Professionalism and Service in our product design, production and service
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